Our Services

Sports and entertainment are unique cultural and economic drivers that are integral parts of our country's modern policy toolkit to influence, educate, and inform global audiences, while at the same time generating billions in revenue for our nation’s economy. As U.S. sports and entertainment properties have become more popular and accessible internationally, it makes them a uniquely effective tool to export U.S. values and ideals to young international audiences. 

These ever-growing arenas demand increasing participation from international participants, making quick and seamless movement of international talent critical to league, team, production, and brand growth in new markets in and outside the United States. At the same time, global mobility has become more stringent than ever which threatens to undercut the potential for athletes and entertainers to maximize their potential. 

At Jetr Global Sports + Entertainment, we confront these growing challenges for international professionals and their families, prospects, teams, and staff by streamlining and expediting immigration processes. With decades of experience and a global network of government and private sector stakeholders, we help to create a world where exceptional talent is greeted with opportunity, not barriers.

International Mobility for Athletes + Entertainers

  • Submit petitions and expedite appointments to the United States for P-1A, P-1S, O-1, and B1/B2 visas.
  • Expedite visa appointments and green card interviews at more than 270 U.S. diplomatic missions around the world.
  • Rapid processing of renewal and first-time U.S. and international passports to ensure on-time travel.
  • Fast-track Global Entry interviews, approvals, and renewals.

Government Affairs
+ Advocacy

  • Advocate to government leaders for a greater prioritization of global sports.
  • Assist teams and studios, athletes and artists navigate congressional advocacy to shape public policy, influence legislation, and represent the interests of their industry.
  • Provide access to a robust network of contacts across government agencies including the White House and Departments of State, Homeland Security, Commerce, Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services.

Collegiate Travel Support + Student Athlete Visas

  • Guide university athletic departments, NIL offices, and collectives on navigating policies for compensating international student-athletes.
  • Expedite visa and passport applications, and manage appointments for university students, personnel, and teams for travel to the United States.
  • Expert guidance and expedited services for college teams traveling overseas.